台灣 REFU 數字芳療系列水泥精油蠟燭 -1856 本我 - | 200g 7oz // Home Fragrance Number Therapy Candle - 1856 The Id



-居家香氛系列療癒蠟燭- 🌱香氣故事: 精神分析學家Sigmud Freud 出生於1856 年5月6日,他認為一個人的人格可以分為本我、自我、超我三部分。 本我代表最原始最內在的感受, 即人剛出生時只擁有本我這個人格結構。 但因為社會化的關係,人漸漸感受不到本我的存在, 有時候會在不自覺中接受了別人的價值觀, 在事後才發現跟自己期待的不同,此時的你不需要感到害怕, 深深的吸一口氣,仔細的檢視自己真正的心意吧。 🌱 精油功能: 佛手柑精油可以鎮靜交感神經的活性, 快樂鼠尾草精油及天竺葵精油則開啟的感官敏銳度,釋放真實的自己。 🌱香氣描述: 產地位於突尼西亞的佛手柑,伴隨果肉清爽甜蜜的柑橘,給人煥然一新的感受伴隨絲絲細膩的嫩草清香以及鼠尾草的香甜爽脆的榛果,形成溫暖的基調。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 🌱 商品資訊: 成分:進口香氛油、椰子油、頂級100%天然大豆蠟 不做動物實驗(cruelty-free) 不含塑化劑(phthalate-free) 不含石蠟(petroleum-free) 燃燒時間約30-40小時 從盆器到蠟體,全手工灌製! 使用時間建議在表面形成均勻蠟池即可熄滅(約2小時),否則盆器可能會龜裂 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1856, the birth year of the greatest psychoanalysis psychotherapist Sigmund Freud. Freud believed everyone of us had the psyche containing the Id, the Ego and the Superego. The Id, our most primitive and instinctual part of our psyche, gradually succumbs to the general societal value and influences. Don’t panic when you suddenly realize your own surrenders. Take a deep breath and mindfully examine your true feelings! Benefits: Bergamot essential oil calms the sympathetic tone down, whilst Clary sage and Geranium essential oil open up the sensory acuity—the pre-requisites for releasing a true self. Fragrance Descriptions: The Bergamot essential oil from Tunisia, well-known for its sweet citrus flesh, gives a refreshing feeling. Together with the delicate olfaction from tender grasses, and the sweet and crisp hazelnut-like fragrance from Clary sage, they form a warm base for 1856. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Information: Ingredients: Fragrance oil from UK,Coconut oil,100% Natural soy wax,Wood wick cruelty-free phthalate-free petroleum-free Burning hours are around 30 - 40 hours.From the container to the fragrance, all are handmade mindfully by REFU. Let the REFU candle burn for at least 1-2 hours each time. This will help to burn the candle evenly and to let yourself indulge in the best ambience delivered by the candle. Never burn longer than 2-hour intervals.
