REFU 數字芳療系列水泥精油蠟燭 - 18 自主 - | 200g 7oz //Refu Taiwan Home Fragrance Number Therapy Candle - 18 Autonomy



-居家香氛系列療癒蠟燭- 🌱香氣故事: 18歲,可以對自己的人生負責, 不想再不斷地配合別人的需求。 在快要被別人的意見吞沒時, 找到真正的自我,重視自己的感受。 此配方可以鞏固動搖的內心並給你獨立自主的意志。 🌱精油功能: 雪松精油可以建立請心中的軸心,天竺葵則恢復情感和諧,乳香令心中的不安逐漸消失。 🌱香氣描述: 帶有甜味的雪松及胭脂味,與天竺葵青草香結合成清新帶有秋天微風般清爽的氣息, 最後與帶有檸檬香的乳香結合,給人輕鬆沒有負擔的一天。 散發精緻和優雅的永恆香味。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 🌱 商品資訊: 成分:進口香氛油、椰子油、頂級100%天然大豆蠟 不做動物實驗(cruelty-free) 不含塑化劑(phthalate-free) 不含石蠟(petroleum-free) 燃燒時間約30-40小時 從盆器到蠟體,全手工灌製! 使用時間建議在表面形成均勻蠟池即可熄滅(約2小時),否則盆器可能會龜裂 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At the age of 18 years old, we are responsible for ourselves; we speak out and up for our own uniqueness. When we are about to be swallowed up, we defense our autonomy with our true self, and to value our true feelings. The formula in “Autonomy” can strengthen your weakened psyche and reinforce your independent will. Our “Autonomy” candle contains cedarwood essential oil that helps establish the axis of your mind, while geranium essential oil restores emotional harmony, with frankincense essential oil gradually disperses the restlessness and uneasiness in your mind. Benefits: Cedarwood essential oil helps you build your self-determination, Geranium essential oil rebuilds the harmony of your emotions, and Frankincense essential oil clears up the uncertainties muddling your soul. Fragrance Descriptions: The sweetness from the Cedarwood essential oil and the taste of the rouge tangle with the grassy scents from the Geranium essential oil, refreshing like the autumn breeze. Mingled with the lemon scents from the Frankincense essential oil, the combo brings you a lightness relaxing day under the refined and elegant note. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Information: Ingredients: Fragrance oil from UK,Coconut oil,100% Natural soy wax,Wood wick cruelty-free phthalate-free petroleum-free Burning hours are around 30 - 40 hours.From the container to the fragrance, all are handmade mindfully by REFU. Let the REFU candle burn for at least 1-2 hours each time. This will help to burn the candle evenly and to let yourself indulge in the best ambience delivered by the candle. Never burn longer than 2-hour intervals.

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