REFU 數字芳療系列水泥精油蠟燭 - 00 重生 - 200g 7oz || Refu Taiwan Home Fragrance Number Therapy Candle - 00 Reborn



-居家香氛系列療癒蠟燭- 🌱 香氣故事: 00是世界的起源, 能夠讓事物存在的原因正是因為“沒有”才存在, 要先有 0 才會有後面的數字, 所以遇到挫折沒有關係, 讓一切從頭開始, 不需責備自己,一切都會漸入佳境。

 🌱 精油功能: 玫瑰精油和茉莉精油可以將我們內心深處的溫暖喚醒, 而這樣將帶給我們愛與自信, 而乳香精油則幫助我們淨化所有不好的情感, 讓我們重新回到原點,再度重生。 🌱 香氣描述: 在一座充滿花的遊樂園裡,好像回到小的時候, 單純簡單又甜蜜的日子,玫瑰及茉莉帶出了甜蜜的感覺, 而乳香辛香的味道中和了感性,微風也吹起了青草香。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 🌱 商品資訊: 成分:進口香氛油、椰子油、頂級100%天然大豆蠟 不做動物實驗(cruelty-free) 不含塑化劑(phthalate-free) 不含石蠟(petroleum-free) 燃燒時間約30-40小時 從盆器到蠟體,全手工灌製! 使用時間建議在表面形成均勻蠟池即可熄滅(約2小時),否則盆器可能會龜裂 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- “00” represents the beginning of your world. Existence emerges after the non-existence. When you feel like you lose, let yourself immerse in the scent from“00”and give yourself a “Reborn”. To“Reborn”your brand new state, our “Reborn” candle contains rose and jasmine essential oil that wake your deep down love and self-confidence up, while its frankincense essential oil helps purify your twisted emotions. Benefits: Rose and Jasmine essential oil together arouse the passions deep inside us, and bring back love and confidence. Frankincense essential oil purifies all the dragging negative emotions, allowing us to restart and REBORN. Fragrance Descriptions: Inside the blossoming garden, it is infused with all the sweetness from the Rose and Jasmine essential oil . We are once again back to our childhood—simple, innocent and blessed. The passing breeze swirls the grass, neutralizing the sensibility from sweetness with the spicy notes from Frankincense essential oil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Information: Ingredients: Fragrance oil from UK,Coconut oil,100% Natural soy wax,Wood wick cruelty-free phthalate-free petroleum-free Burning hours are around 30 - 40 hours.From the container to the fragrance, all are handmade mindfully by REFU. Let the REFU candle burn for at least 1-2 hours each time. This will help to burn the candle evenly and to let yourself indulge in the best ambience delivered by the candle. Never burn longer than 2-hour intervals.
